228 komentarzy


    Z niezbędnych wskazówek dorzucę jedną bardzo przyziemną mianowicie toalety. Będąc w dużych miastach jak już zajdzie taka nagła potrzeba szukajcie raczej najbliższej restauracji a omijajcie tzw.miejskie toalety. Gruzińskie szalety publiczne to olbrzymie wyzwanie estetyczne i wystawienie zmysłów wzroku i węchu na życiową próbę.
    Są oczywiście szlachetne wyjątki ale wg.praw Murphiego akurat w tej newralgicznej chwili obok będą akurat nie te.

    • DosVagabundos

      Dzięki za wskazówkę! Po tajskich czy kubańskich gruzińskie nie poraziły nas tak mocno, ale
      na pewno warto stawiać na jak najlepsze rozwiązania!
      Słuszna uwaga 😀

    • DosVagabundos

      Jak już się pewnie zorientowałaś w sieci znaleźć można mnóstwo różnych tekstów na ten temat i ciężko tu jednoznacznie doradzić. Bez problemów w kantorach w Gruzji wymienisz Euro i Dolary. Obecny średni kurs to około 1,8 PLN za 1 GEL więc pytanie jak będą wyglądały kury EUR i USD prze Twoim wyjazdem. Są też kantory (na pewno w Warszawie) gdzie możesz zaopatrzyć się w Lari już przed wylotem. Możliwości jest więc wiele i ciężko znaleźć złoty środek 🙂 My Gruzję odwiedziliśmy kilka lat temu i kursy które stamtąd pamiętamy są z pewnością nieaktualne.

  2. smb

    Do listy porad os siebie mogę dodać, że:
    1. Krowy reagują na klakson. W ogóle klakson w aucie to podstawowe wyposażenie.
    2. Jeżeli ktoś ma delikatny żołądek to koniecznie pić czaczę. Po prostu trochę inna flora bakteryjna…

    • Dawid Białowąs

      Świetny, bardzo praktyczny artykuł. Byłem w Gruzji 2 tygodnie z i powodzeniem mogę potwierdzić, że wskazówki to szczera prawda. Nawet jeśli nie jest się „nastawionym” na kontakt z drugim człowiekiem, nie zna się rosyjskiego (angielski w niewielu przypadkach się sprawdza), tubylcy widząc turystów z plecakami sami się zainteresują, zaproszą na kawę, postawią piwo. Nawet w dużym mieście, jak Kutaisi!

      A propos picia czaczy na zatrucie – równiez potwierdzam. Moja towarzyszka podróży nieco się zatruła (po imprezie z poznanymi polakami, która się przerodziła w biesiadę gruzińsko-polską) i na następny dzień szklaneczka czaczy postawiła ją od razu na nogi.

      • DosVagabundos

        Na wstępie – bardzo dziękujemy za miłe słowa 🙂
        Co do języka – Sebastian musiał sobie w błyskawicznym tempie przypomnieć
        licealne lekcje rosyjskiego. Na szczęście okazało się, że nie był to stracony czas.
        Co do czaczy – po niej i ja nagle zaczęłam mówić płynnym rosyjskim. Również na biesiadach gruzińsko- polskich 😉
        Gruzja to zdecydowanie kraj, który się dobrze wspomina

    • DosVagabundos

      Festina lente – takie hasło przyświecało naszemu cudownemu kierowcy, uczącemu nas powolnego smakowania Gruzji.
      Spokój, który od niego bił, nie pozwalał na pośpiech ani nagłe ruchy, takie jak klakson. Mimo iż nie przeżyliśmy
      tego na własnej skórze domyślam się jednak, że dźwięk ten musi być bardzo pomocny 🙂
      Gruzińska odmiana „klątwy Faraona” również nas nie dopadła, ale mogę z czystym sumieniem potwierdzić magiczną moc czaczy 🙂

  3. Niestety informacja o morzu jest mocno przesadzona- ani tam jakoś specjalnie często nie pada, ani nie jest specjalnie drogo- ot, trafiliście akurat na kiepska pogodę i drogą miejscówkę.

    • Agata

      Być może rzeczywiście mieliśmy kiepską pogodę, ale za nocleg placilismy więcej niż na Karaibach, które bądź co bądź oferują lepsze warunki „ogolnonadmorskie”.stąd ta kompleksowa negatywna ocena. Zalowalismy skrócenia pobytu w boskiej Svaneti na rzecz dość przeciętnego kurortu 🙁

  4. DosVagabundos

    Jeśli chodzi o zbiorcze zestawienie porad, to póki co na blogu dzielimy się naszymi wskazówkami dotyczącymi Tibilisi. Resztę miejsc opisaliśmy w osobnych artykułach 🙂 Pozdrawiamy

  5. Industrial copper waste management Copper electrical connectors are widely used in a variety of electrical applications because of their excellent electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. However, not all copper connectors are created equally. Some are more suitable for specific applications than others. Here are some best practices to consider when working with copper electrical connectors: 1. Select the Right Connector: Choose the right connector for the specific application. Connectors come in various shapes and sizes, so select the one that matches the wire gauge. Failure to do so could result in overheating, melting, or arc faults. 2. Prepare the Copper Wire and the Connector: Properly prepare the copper wire and the connector before installation. Remove any oxidation, dirt, or debris that could hinder the connection. Clean, smooth surfaces lead to proper conductivity. 3. Crimping and Compression: When crimping or compressing connectors onto wires, use the appropriate tools. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended compression parameters and procedures to ensure proper wire insertion, and prevent wire deformation or damage. Improper compression could lead to electrical resistance and compromise the electrical connection. 4. Avoid Chemical Exposure: Avoid exposing the copper connectors to chemicals such as cleaning agents, lubricants, or de-greasers without knowing their compatibility. Some chemicals could corrode or eat away at the connector and compromise conductivity. 5. Avoid Overheating: Overheating copper connectors could lead to deformation and damage. Be sure to maintain proper current rating and avoid overloading the connectors. Make sure the connectors are appropriately rated for the application in which they are being used. 6. Regular Maintenance: Ensure regular maintenance of the copper connectors and associated equipment. Inspect and evaluate the connectors and related equipment for signs of wear or damage that could compromise the electrical connection. Repair or replace equipment when necessary. 7. Follow the Manufacturer’s Guidelines: Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines in installation, maintenance, and repair. These guidelines are designed to maximize the service life of the connector while ensuring consistent conductivity and minimal frequency of failures. These are some of the best practices that should be followed when working with copper electrical connectors. Following these practices will help ensure that the connections remain consistent and reliable while minimizing the risk of failure Metal recycling center Recycled copper raw materials Copper alloy salvage Copper scrap reuse opportunities Scrap copper trading Metal logistics services

  6. Recycled copper commodities Cyprus, also known as the Island of Copper, is a small island country situated in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It has a rich history dating back to ancient times, with evidence of human settlements dating back to the Neolithic period. One of its main exports in ancient times was copper, hence its nickname. Cyprus has been inhabited by various civilizations throughout history, including the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Venetians, and Ottomans. In 1960, the island gained independence from British rule and became the Republic of Cyprus. The island is famous for its beautiful beaches, clear blue waters, and warm climate, which attracts millions of tourists each year. Some of the most popular attractions include the historic city of Nicosia, the Aphrodite Rock, the Tombs of the Kings, and the ancient ruins of Kourion. Cyprus has a diverse economy, with tourism, shipping, and financial services being the main sectors. It also has a significant agricultural sector that produces citrus fruits, potatoes, and olives. The island is home to a rich culture, including a unique cuisine that blends Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern influences. Traditional dishes include souvlaki, halloumi cheese, and kleftiko, which is slow-cooked lamb. Overall, Cyprus is a picturesque island with a fascinating history, a vibrant culture, and plenty to offer visitors. Whether you’re interested in exploring ancient ruins, relaxing on the beach, or trying new foods, there’s something for everyone in this beautiful country Metal waste transportation services Recycled copper products Recycled copper market analysis Copper anode scrap acquisition Copper scrap sourcing network Scrap metal recovery

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    Bayern will instead be hoping the former Belgium international can rediscover the results that saw him lead Burnley to promotion and the Championship title in his first season in charge at Turf Moor. As a result of Leeds United‘s latest unsuccessful trip to Wembley, the so-called sleeping giants – according to Football Insider – will be forced into a £150m fire sale to balance the books this summer after banking on an immediate return to the Premier League. Still, Kompany’s appointment represents a surprise given the 38-year-old’s limited experience in top-level management and his difficult season with Burnley, in which they recorded just 24 points and five wins from 38 games to finish 19th in the Premier League, eight points from safety.

  11. waw

    Network Marketing Coach Jackie Ulmer Social Media You don’t have permission to view this page. By submitting this form, you agree to the Seamless.AI Terms of Use & Privacy Policy Healthgarde MLM is a multi-level marketing company that specializes in health and wellness products. The company was founded in 2005 and has since grown to become one of the leading MLM companies in the industry. Healthgarde MLM operates on a direct selling model,… You wanted em, you got em! In this post are 30 network marketing recruiting questions to empower sponsoring for MLM companies. I have found that great recruiters ask great questions. These are questions I have used to recruit a lot of people and now you can have them for free.  Yes! Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalised tips for shopping and selling on Etsy.
    Since this is the same for your competitors, most markets move at a blistering pace. Even in smaller markets, there are startups and software launches every few months.Just look at the project management software market. Hundreds of options and more popping up every year. Does any groundwork need to be laid before development begins? Be sure it’s included in your plan. For example, you may need to schedule in time to set up staging, production, and or QA environments—depending on what’s important to your team’s testing process. As a software project manager, the entire responsibility of executing the project is on you. Does this make you scared? But it shouldn’t. This is because, as a manager, you should be more worried about having a thorough understanding of the software development lifecycle, (SLDC) of your project; in other words, have a good knowledge of the steps through which the software would have to pass through in order to be complete. You may never really need to get involved in the creation of the end product, but it falls on you to control and manage the activities of those involved in its creation.

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    Jasmine Hartin, 34, who shot and killed police superintendent Henry Jemmott in May 2021 in what she has described as an accidental discharge from Jemmott’s firearm, entered a tearful plea at the nation’s supreme court in Belize City on Tuesday afternoon before the start of a scheduled trial. He added: „I have been given a second chance in life and I intend to make the most of it…I promise all of you, especially the people of Belize, that I will be a productive, law-abiding member of society.” “This is a case in which the DPP has accepted that there was no intent and that it was, there was no recklessness, no intent, no recklessness. It was just a pure accident,” her lawyer Hubert Elrington told the news network. Famous for its breathtaking beaches and pristine waters, Belize is also recognized as a sought-after scuba diving destination. Among these beautiful diving spots in the country, Tobacco Caye stands out.
    A corollary effect of this scenario would be a unipolar war under the leadership of a victorious America West. A new global political and economic order would follow. A weaker China would fold back its Belt and Road Initiative and accommodate to the will of the West. OPEC would also comply. The world would embrace a new form of „core-periphery” economic relationship rooted in colonialism. Ditch your indicators and use the „MoneyLine”. A simple line tells you when to buy and sell without the guesswork. It’s a line on a chart that’s helped Nic Chahine win 83% of his options buys. Here’s how he does it. The meeting is being held as global fears of nuclear warfare simmer after Putin’s thinly veiled threats about a nuclear attack and as Russian bombs increasingly pound Ukraine. World War III is already here, and we cannot afford to lose. Biden must leverage the existence of our own nuclear weapon deterrent to call Putin’s bluff and lead NATO to carry Ukraine toward total victory. This will include U.S. and NATO fighter-escorted airlift, air superiority throughout Ukraine, continued but accelerated resupply of advanced weapons and sustenance from land and sea.

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    2 Each player will then be dealt a hand of five (5) cards face down to make their best four-card hand. The dealer receives six cards face down to make his her four-card poker hand. Yes, the dealer gets one extra card to form their best hand. Three Card Poker Our Award-Winning accommodations feature a warm, neutral palette, accented with carefully-placed pops of color, to create a relaxing environment. Coastal images taken by local photographers add a finishing touch to each room. Our staff is waiting to assist you with your hotel accommodations and more! To learn the rules of three-card poker, you can take a look at our explanative post on the subject. In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at the optional side bets offered by three-card poker, investigating how they work and how they pay out.
    If you have been around online poker for long, you are sure to have come across at least one player who is convinced that “online poker is rigged.” The fact is that billions of hands have been dealt, and tracking services (including individual player databases) have uncovered zero anomalies with the deal. Online gambling is already up and running in Pennsylvania in the form of PA sportsbooks, casinos, and lottery games, but PA online poker is the latest to join the party. In November 2019, PokerStars began a soft launch phase that was completed two days later. It is now fully operational, and even though it took a while, BetMGM Poker and Borgata Poker arrived in PA in April 2021. WSOP launched in July 2021. PokerScout tracks real money poker sites from around the world. We track US poker sites in New Jersey, Nevada, and Delaware. New Jersey is the current market leader with the largest population of any legalized gambling state and including the top NJ online casinos.

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    Imagine going on a road trip in the UAE with your friends family. Can you imagine how cruising in a Rolls Royce Cullinan White can enhance your trip? In fact, this spectacular car is unique due to how fast and smooth it acts on the roads. It also can add an extra glamorous touch to your adventure in the UAE. This model comes with a twin-turbocharged and intercooled DOHC 48-valve V-12 engine that delivers 563 hp @ 5000 rpm max power and 627 lb-ft @ 1600 rpm max torque. It also comes with 8-speed automatic transmission. At Super Sport Car Rental Dubai, we take pride in providing exceptional service and value for Rolls-Royce rentals in Dubai and across the UAE. Thanks to our network of partners specializing in luxury vehicles like Rolls-Royce and others, we can offer the very best prices in the region. Visitors to our website can swiftly browse through available vehicles, examine specifications, compare models, and then make an instant reservation. We are continually enhancing our platform to ensure customers have the best possible experience when searching for a Rolls-Royce to rent in Dubai.
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  15. lxhlliomr

    One of the best parts of Ignition is its customer service. You can chat with someone in real time, and they are super helpful. If you plan to play for real money, including using cryptocurrency, you will be offered various bonuses. These are designed to help you get a better chance of winning. When depositing, it’s important to check out if any fees will be applied to your deposit to see which method is the most cost-effective for you. Ignition Poker does not apply any fees to its cryptocurrency transactions, though the same cannot be said for credit card deposits, as Ignition takes a fee of at least 15.9%, depending on the card provider. There are also fees that can be imposed by your bank when depositing to Ignition, such as International Service Fees and Currency Conversion Fees – so if you’re looking for a guaranteed fee-free way to deposit, I’d highly recommend using cryptocurrency.
    They are a very good quality 2 colour construction clay composite poker chip and weigh in at an impressive 14g. The 3 crown and 6 double tab design surrounds an embedded holographic numbered decal both sides of the chip. We are the leading supplier of custom and non-custom poker chips, poker cases, poker tables, and gaming related accessories. We ensure secure payment with PEV The Monte Carlos Poker Chipset comes packed with a Heavy-Duty Black case with black felt interiors to protect the chips from damage when not in use. Additional accessories in the case includes a Dealer Button for designating player position during the game and two decks of branded plastic EPT Copag playing cards. he Monte Carlo 14 Gram Clay Poker Chips is guaranteed to make your game room at home feel like a real casino! These chips feature a one-of-a-kind edge design and a classy inlay that contains the denomination, the Monte Carlo Poker Club logo, and a cool laser graphic strip! Weighing 14 grams apiece and made with high-quality clay, these chips are a lot like what known casinos use and would make a fantastic addition to your collection!

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    It can be difficult to determine what the ideal face of makeup looked like during the ’70s. Some women were still donning ’60s trends, according to the Hair and Makeup Artist Handbook, while others favored disco styles. A select group was even experimenting with punk fashion at the time. Take this quiz to find out. Gray isn’t your typical shadow for a natural makeup look, but it actually works here because it’s a gray-brown blend and isn’t applied with a heavy hand. Enhance your eyes with glowy skin and some strategic contouring. If you too, want to learn how to achieve a natural look, make sure you keep reading. This blog will take you through the key makeup areas (Face, Cheeks, Eyes and Lips)  and products needed to achieve and compliment your skin best! If you’re new to wearing makeup, we highly recommend this as a starting point too!

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    This story was produced by Benzinga and reviewed and distributed by Stacker Media. NMLS ID#1496848 Ether is the currency unit of the Ethereum network. Like many other cryptocurrencies, the value of Ethereum has soared this year — today’s value is about double what it was in January of this year. At the beginning of the year 2030, ETH price could reclaim its position of $10,000 and probably above the level, establishing a robust upward trend. ETH might even bypass this all-time high of around $12,000 levels and set a new record. But, again after reaching this peak, a crucial pullback might ensue. The year for ETH will reflect the dynamic interplay of encompassing bullish surges, market forces and bearish adjustments. By the end of the year, it might range around $9,000 to $9,500.  

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